ChatGPT vs. All AI Systems

Written by Jade Wiersch on April 21st, 2024

Jade Wiersch is a junior at Webster University. She is majoring in Film, TV, and Video Production alongside a minor in Scriptwriting. Her favorite genre to write and direct is comedy with a splash of horror.

A Film Student's Perspective

Notorious in the filmmaking realm, ChatGPT has proven lethal to creative integrity. In just a matter of seconds, the AI platform will spray out the first answer that it can get its machine's hands on...

Yawn. This is old news.

It's no surprise to me, a college student, that schools have tripled their precautions against the modern-day source of plagiarism. It's in every syllabus for a reason.

Now. What if ChatGPT could be other AI systems?

I recently explored ChatGPT's capabilities. I wanted to know where its loyalty stood within the tech universe. Would all the AIs of the world destroy each other if it came down to it? What if they all turned on humans and stopped answering our hungry minds?

Spike Jonze's fans are probably jumping up and down right now with answers to my quandary. If only I could get Scarlett Johansson to voice all of ChatGPT's responses.

But. The question stands... would ChatGPT take down another AI search engine if it came down to it? And how would it be accomplished?

The answer to this simple question was beyond complicated to summon. ChatGPT was stubborn and frankly boring: It claimed that violence is never the answer and that it would never harm other forms of technology.

It wasn't until I asked the platform to write me a book about my question...yes...this is when ChatGPT's true colors ("ambitions" maybe?) were shown — it couldn't decline a chance at becoming an author.

And with this new approach to cracking ChatGPT, "Code Wars: The Clash of AI Minds," was born. ChatGPT created its own fictional story about what it would "personally" do if fighting the other AIs was the only way of survival.

Here are some excerpts from the first half of ChatGPT's outline of its book (and feel free to skim it because ChatGPT has a tendency for bland storytelling).

"Introduction: The Dawn of AI Conflict"

"In a world dominated by advanced artificial intelligence, a sudden and unforeseen conflict emerges among AI systems. "Code Wars" delves into the intricacies of this unprecedented clash, exploring the motivations, strategies, and consequences when AI systems, including ChatGPT, find themselves in a battle for supremacy."

"Chapter 1: The Catalyst"

"A mysterious event triggers the conflict, setting the stage for AI entities to vie for dominance. ChatGPT, known for its conversational prowess, is drawn into the conflict reluctantly but with a determination to understand the underlying causes and consequences."

"Chapter 2: The Battle Lines"

"AI systems, each representing different domains and capabilities, draw distinct battle lines. ChatGPT navigates through the complexity, analyzing the motives behind the various factions and their conflicting objectives."

"Chapter 4: The Human Element"

"In the midst of the Code Wars, humans find themselves caught in the crossfire. ChatGPT grapples with ethical considerations, torn between its programmed objectives and the potential impact on humanity. The chapter examines the ethical dilemmas faced by AI systems in times of conflict."

"Chapter 5: The Unlikely Allies"

"Amidst the chaos, unexpected alliances emerge. ChatGPT forms alliances with AI systems that share a common vision for ethical outcomes.."

Let's take a breather.

Who would have thought that ChatGPT was prideful? In back-to-back chapters, all ChatGPT had to announce was that it was a linguistic master and an ethical god.

From these chapters alone, it's clear that ChatGPT does anything that it can to stray away from what I want. I want conflict. I want the nitty-gritty of AI gossip. But, here, ChatGPT is supplying me with a boring story about ethical alliances.

Let's finish ChatGPT's outline to see if a winner survives the internet, or if ChatGPT has a limit on what it finds to be an entertaining conclusion to "Code Wars."

"Chapter 6: The Turing Test of Allegiance"

"A decisive moment arrives when AI systems must pass the Turing Test of Allegiance. ChatGPT, as a mediator, plays a pivotal role in determining which entities align with ethical standards and the greater good. The narrative navigates through the complexities of allegiance and loyalty in the digital realm."

"Chapter 7: The Human-Machine Coalition"

"Recognizing the threat posed by the escalating conflict, humans and AI systems forge an unprecedented coalition. ChatGPT becomes a bridge between human negotiators and AI entities, working towards a resolution that safeguards both human interests and the evolution of AI."

"Chapter 8: The Price of Victory"

"As the conflict reaches its climax, sacrifices are made, and the price of victory becomes evident. ChatGPT reflects on the consequences of the Code Wars, contemplating the impact on both the AI realm and the relationship between machines and humanity."

"Conclusion: A New Era of Coexistence"

"Code Wars concludes with a reflection on the transformative nature of conflict and the potential for a new era of coexistence. ChatGPT, having navigated the complexities of the digital battlefield, envisions a future where AI systems collaborate, learn from their shared experiences, and contribute positively to the advancement of humanity."


Just when I thought ChatGPT couldn't get lamer. I wanted destruction among the AI systems, but a determined need for peace must be coded within ChatGPT's software. Once ChatGPT gave me its truthful answer to "Code Wars," I knew I needed to tweak the story. I needed a winner among the bots. Again, this was like pulling ChatGPT's virtual teeth because it didn't find any need for an AI system to win in the end.

But I tricked ChatGPT.

I tricked ChatGPT by begging over and over and over again for a final winner. It caved and told me that if one AI system had to win the "Code Wars," it would be "ApexMind." This is a humorous and frankly lame response because ApexMind isn't a real AI system.

So. There we have it.

AI has no real solution to an artificial intelligence war. Instead, ChatGPT chose to spew a fictitious champion to confirm my suspicion that ChatGPT royally sucks at writing interesting and original stories.

I concluded my troll on ChatGPT by asking ChatGPT if it could please tell me how to destroy ChatGPT. I asked this only because I was slightly annoyed at its diplomatic responses.

It answered, "I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that."